This volume contains the proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging held in Cannes, France, October 12th through the 16th, 1980. Fifty-seven papers were presented over the course of the four day meeting. Fifty-two manuscripts were received in time for publication of the proceedings. There was representation from 14 nations, including England, France, U.S.A., West Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan, Poland, The Netherlands and Norway among the authors and in addition, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, and Denmark were represented. The following papers were presented at the meeting for which manuscripts were not received in time for publication: “Improved Phased Array Imaging and Medical Diagnosis” by F.L. Thurstone; “Scanning Acoustic Microscope Operating in the Reflection Mode” by H. Kanda, I. Ishikawa, T. Kondo, and K. Katakura; “Empirical Determination of Flaw Characteristics Using the Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscope – SLAM” by D. Yuhes, C.L. Forres, and L.W. Kessler; “A Wide Angled Fraction Limited Holographic Lens System for Acoustical Imaging” by H. Heier; “Progress in the Development of Sonographic Contrast Agents” by J. Ophir, and F. Maklad, A. Gobuty and R.E. McWhirt. Arrays.- Real-Time Constant Depth Scanning with Phased Arrays.- Ultrafast Acoustical Imaging with Surface Acoustic Wave Components.- Ultrasound Simulator.- Dynamic Focusing and Compound Scanning in Linear Array of Transducers.- A Phased Array Acoustic Imaging System for Medical Use.- Methods.- Origin of Anomalous Behavior in Transducers Used in Acoustical Imaging.- A Statistical Estimation Approach to Medical Image Reconstruction from Ultrasonic Array Data.- A Computer Model for Speckle in Ultrasound Images Theory and Application.- Coherence and Noise in Ultrasonic Transmission Imaging.- Contour Plotting by a Sonic Phase Lock Loop.- Pseudo Holographic Acoustical Imaging with a Liquid Crystal Convertor.- Computerized Reconstruction of Ultrasonic Fields by Means of Electrostatic Transducer Array.- New Processing Techniques in Ultrasound Imaging Systems.- Measurements and Analysis of Speckle in Ultrasound B-Scans.- Calibration of Imaging Systems by Means of Spherical Targets.- Analysis of Vibrating Surfaces Using Acoustic Holography.- Tissue Characterization.- Role Played by Cellular Cohesion and Organization in the Interaction of Ultrasound with Soft Tissues.- Improvements of Impediograms Accuracy.- Theoretical Basis of an Ultrasonic Investigation Method of Stratified Absorbing Media.- An Analysis of the Parameters Affecting Texture in a B-Mode Ultrasonogram.- The Characteristic Echostructures of the Different Components of Mammary Tissue.- Ultrasonic Blood Characterization.- Algorithm for On Line Deconvolution of Echographic Signals.- Computer Tomography.- Tomographic Reconstruction of B-Scan Images.- Tomography from Multiview Ultrasonic Diffraction Data: Comparison with Image Reconstruction from Projections.- Nonlinear Image Reconstruction from Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Projections.- Computerized Ultrasonic Tomography by Electronic Scanning and Steering of a Ring Array.- Experimental Results of Computerized Ultrasound Echo Tomography.- Difraction Effects and Image Formation.- Bounded Pulse Propagation.- Theoretical Study of Pulsed Echographic Focusing Procedures.- Matched Gaussian Apodization of Pulsed Acoustic Phased Arrays.- Application of Time-Space Impulise Responses to Calculations of Acoustic Fields in Imaging Systems.- Acoustic Imaging by Wave Field Extrapolation Part I: Theoretical Considerations.- Acoustic Imaging by Wave Field Extrapolation Part II: Practical Aspects.- A Fast Ultrasonic Imaging System for Measuring Unsteady Velocity Fields in Air.- Methods for Efficient Computation of the Image Field of Holographic Lenses for Sound Waves.- Image Quality and Diffraction Efficiency of a Holographic Lens for Sound Waves.- Underwater Imaging and Non-Destructive Evaluation.- An Underwater Focused Acoustic Imaging System.- Acoustical Imaging Via Coherent Reception of Spatially Coloured Transmission.- Flaw Detection and Imaging by High-Resolution Synthetic Pulse Holography.- A Three-Dimensional Synthetic Focus System.- A Real-Time Synthetic Aperature Digital Acoustic Imaging System.- Transducers.- Effect of the Photoconductive Layer on the Resolution of Opto-Acoustic Transducers.- Investigation of a Liquid Crystal Acousto-Optic Conversion Cell.- Performance of Ultrasound Transducer and Material Constants of Piezoelectric Ceramics.- Analog Electrical Simulation of the Transient Behaviour of Piezoelectric Transducers.- Optimization Criterions for the Piezoelectric Transducers used in Acoustical Imaging.- Comparison of Different Piezoelectric Transducer Materials for Optically Scanned Acoustic Imaging.- Acoustical Microscopy.- Dark Field Acoustic Microscope.- Acoustic Microscopy in Non-Destructive Testing.- Imaging Interior Planes by Acoustic Microscopy.- Imaging Techniques for Acoustic Microscopy of Microelectronic Circuits.- List of Participants.