Psychoakustische Schallfeldsynthese Fr Musik: Raum Schaffen Fr Komposition, Auffhrung, Akustik Und Wahrnehmung
$15.00Psychoakustische Schallfeldsynthese Fr Musik: Raum Schaffen Fr Komposition, Auffhrung, Akustik Und Wahrnehmung, Christine Erbe, 9783031268625
Acoustic Invisibility for Elliptic Objects: Theory and Experiments for Underwater Sound (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) (PoliMI SpringerBriefs)
$9.00Acoustic Invisibility for Elliptic Objects: Theory and Experiments for Underwater Sound (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences…
Digital Audio Processing Fundamentals (Springer Topics in Signal Processing)
$12.00Digital Audio Processing Fundamentals (Springer Topics in Signal Processing), Christine Erbe, 9783031142277
Forward Brillouin Scattering in Standard Optical Fibers: Single-Mode, Polarization-Maintaining, and Multi-Core (Springer Series in Optical Sciences)
$9.00Forward Brillouin Scattering in Standard Optical Fibers: Single-Mode, Polarization-Maintaining, and Multi-Core (Springer Series in Optical…
Forward Brillouin Scattering in Standard Optical Fibers: Single-Mode, Polarization-Maintaining, and Multi-Core (Springer Series in Optical Sciences)
$18.00Forward Brillouin Scattering in Standard Optical Fibers: Single-Mode, Polarization-Maintaining, and Multi-Core (Springer Series in Optical…
Acoustic Emission: Fracture Detection in Structural Materials (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics)
$14.00Acoustic Emission: Fracture Detection in Structural Materials (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics), Christine Erbe, 9783031112904
Vibration, Acoustics and Strain Measurement: Theory and Experiments
$18.00Vibration, Acoustics and Strain Measurement: Theory and Experiments, Christine Erbe, 9783031039676
Slopes and Levels: Spice Models to Simulate Vintage Op-Amp Noise
$7.00Slopes and Levels: Spice Models to Simulate Vintage Op-Amp Noise, Christine Erbe, 9783030994457
Handbook of Materials for Percussion Musical Instruments
$15.00Handbook of Materials for Percussion Musical Instruments, Christine Erbe, 9783030986490
Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1: Methods
$9.00Exploring Animal Behavior Through Sound: Volume 1: Methods, Christine Erbe, 9783030975388
Asymptotic Approximations for the Sound Generated by Aerofoils in Unsteady Subsonic Flows (Springer Theses)
$10.00Asymptotic Approximations for the Sound Generated by Aerofoils in Unsteady Subsonic Flows (Springer Theses), Carlo…