Handbuch Der Physik: Bd. Akustik. 1909
$15.00Handbuch Der Physik: Bd. Akustik. 1909, Thomas Herbert Neighbors, 9781020375880
On A New Method Of Determining The Velocity Of Sound
$19.00On A New Method Of Determining The Velocity Of Sound, Thomas Herbert Neighbors, 9781020147012
Die Schall- und Tonstaerke und das Schalleitungsvermoegen der Koerper
$12.00Die Schall- und Tonstaerke und das Schalleitungsvermoegen der Koerper, Thomas Herbert Neighbors, 9781019789223
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics: Volume 112 (Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics)
$8.00Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics: Volume 112 (Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics), Thomas…
The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900–1933
$15.00The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900–1933, Thomas…
Psychoacoustic Foundations of Major-Minor Tonality
$16.00Psychoacoustic Foundations of Major-Minor Tonality, Thomas Herbert Neighbors, 9780262547352