Scientific Books
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Gauge Invariance Approach to Acoustic Fields, Mariana Montiel, 9789811387531
Mariana Montiel
Topics in Acoustic Echo and Noise Control: Selected Methods for the Cancellation of Acoustical Echoes, the Reduction of Background Noise, and Speech Processing (Signals and Communication Technology), Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642069758
Microphone Arrays: Signal Processing Techniques and Applications (Digital Signal Processing), Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642075476
The Physics of Birdsong (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering), Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642064807
Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics), Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642051456
Recent Advances in Harmony Search Algorithm (Studies in Computational Intelligence), Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642043161
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