Linear Audio Vol 1 is the second issue of a series of printed bookzines dedicated to technical audio and perception. The international team of authors for this issue again offers technical audio articles on a wide ranging number of subjects, from projects and concepts to book reviews and musings: Power amplification: Ian Hegglun developed A family of high-efficiency class-A power amplifiers allowing ‘green’ class-A amplifiers based on inherent square-law output devices, with only half the usual dissipation. Loudspeakers and cross-overs: Jean-Claude Gaertner concludes his Project 21 DSP- based active speaker system, complemented with an RF-based remote multichannel level control by Jan Didden. Ramkumar Ramaswamy approaches crossovers from the analog side with A universal Continuous-Time active filter. Circuit design: Scott Wurcer attacks noise right at the start with a Low-noise microphone pre-amp design, while Bruno Putzeys bravely steps forward and utters The F-word – or, Why there is no such thing as too much feedback. Kendall Castor-Perry has Some Feedback about Electrolytic Capacitors allowing small electrolytics to look like large ones. Engineering reports: Ed Simon dug into resistor distortion and found that regarding Resistor Linearity – There’s more to ohm than meets the eye, while Ovidiu Popa writes On the noise performance of Low Noise Input Stages. Douglas Self found that capacitors can get better with Self-improvement for capacitors – Linearization over time. Book reviews: Jean-Pierre Vanderreydt reviews Bob Cordell’s Audio Power Amplifier Design, likes what he reads and en passant gives some hints for a second edition, while Stuart Yaniger is pleased with Menno van der Veen’s High End Valve Amplifiers 2 – New Models and Application. Musings: For those of us chasing that elusive life-like audio reproduction system, Rudy van Stratum relates his very recognizable personal Adventures of a diy-audio-addict. Another collection of articles that I’m sure you’ll enjoy and learn from. But, don’t forget to listen to your music! jan didden Publisher/Editor