Neural Networks and Speech Processing (The kluwer international series in Engineering & Computer Science. Vlsi, Computer Architecture, & Digital s)


Neural Networks and Speech Processing (The kluwer international series in Engineering & Computer Science. Vlsi, Computer Architecture, & Digital s), Mark Kahrs, 9780792391449

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We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those individ uals who helped us assemble this text, including the people of Lockheed Sanders and Nestor, Inc., whose encouragement and support were greatly appreciated. In addition, we would like to thank the members of the Lab oratory for Engineering Man-Machine Systems (LEMS) and the Center for Neural Science at Brown University for their frequent and helpful discussions on a number of topics discussed in this text. Although we both attended Brown from 1983 to 1985, and had offices in the same building, it is surprising that we did not meet until 1988. We also wish to thank Kluwer Academic Publishers for their profes sionalism and patience, and the reviewers for their constructive criticism. Thanks to John McCarthy for performing the final proof, and to John Adcock, Chip Bachmann, Deborah Farrow, Nathan Intrator, Michael Perrone, Ed Real, Lance Riek and Paul Zemany for their comments and assistance. We would also like to thank Khrisna Nathan, our most unbi ased and critical reviewer, for his suggestions for improving the content and accuracy of this text. A special thanks goes to Steve Hoffman, who was instrumental in helping us perform the experiments described in Chapter 9.

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