Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics)


Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Springer Series in Computational Mathematics), S. H., 9783540678533

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The book is aimed at graduate students, researchers, engineers and physicists involved in fluid computations. An up-to-date account is given of the present state of the art of numerical methods employed in computational fluid dynamics. The underlying numerical principles are treated with a fair amount of detail, using elementary methods. Attention is given to the difficulties arising from geometric complexity of the flow domain. Uniform accuracy for singular perturbation problems is studied, pointing the way to accurate computation of flows at high Reynolds number. Unified methods for compressible and incompressible flows are discussed. A treatment of the shallow-water equations is included. A basic introduction is given to efficient iterative solution methods. Many pointers are given to the current literature, facilitating further study.

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