
Elliptische Koordinaten und Wellenfunktionen treten zum Beispiel bei der Analyse und beim Design von Antennenanlagen und integrierten Mikrowellenschaltkreisen, bei der elektromagnetischen Interferenz und in der drahtlosen Kommunikation auf. Mit diesem Buch liegt erstmals eine moderne Abhandlung ber dieses Gebiet vor, ergnzt durch computergesttzte Berechnungen. Die beigefgte Mathematica-Software dient zur Berechnung elliptischer Funktionen. LE-WEI LI, PhD, is Deputy Director of the Antenna and Scattering Laboratory and Electromagnetics Research Group at the National University of Singapore. He is a senior member of the IEEE, an editorial board member of Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, and the author of Dyadic Green’s Functions in Inhomogeneous Media and Electromagnetic Theory of Complex Media. XIAO-KANG KANG, PhD, is a research engineer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore. MOOK-SENG LEONG, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore. Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction. Spheroidal Coordinates and Wave Functions. Dyadic Green’s Functions in Spheroidal Systems. EM Scattering by a Conducting Spheroid. EM Scattering by a Coated Dielectric Spheroid. Spheroidal Antennas. SAR Distributions in a Spheroidal Head Model. Analysis of Rainfall Attenuation Using Oblate Raindrops. EM Eigenfrequencies in a Spheroidal Cavity. Appendix A: Expressions of Spheroidal Vector Wave Functions. Appendix B: Intermediates I_t,m_ln(c) in Closed Form. Appendix C: q(i),t and q(i),t Used in the Matrix Equation System. References. Index.
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