Scientific Books
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Unterwasserschalltechnik: Grundlagen, Ziele Und Grenzen (Submarine Akustik in Theorie Und Praxis), Carlo G. Lai, 9783112602478
Carlo G. Lai
de Gruyter
Urban Forest Acoustics, Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642068041
Ingeniera Acstica: Teora Y Aplicaciones, Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642025433
Structure-Borne Sound: Structural Vibrations and Sound Radiation at Audio Frequencies, Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642061554
The Physics of Birdsong (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering), Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642064807
Acoustics of Wood (Springer Series in Wood Science), Anna L. Schwartz, 9783642065552
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