The Development of the Laboratory: Essays on the Place of Experiment in Industrial Civilization
The Development of the Laboratory: Essays on the Place of Experiment in Industrial Civilization, James Frank, 9780883186138
NMR in Biomedicine: The Physical Basis (Key Papers in Physics)
NMR in Biomedicine: The Physical Basis (Key Papers in Physics), James Frank, 9780883186091
Theory of Many-Particle Systems (AIP Translation S.)
Theory of Many-Particle Systems (AIP Translation S.), James Frank, 9780883186015
Physics in a Technological World: From a Joint Meeting of Iupap and Aip Corporate Associates, Washington DC, October 1987
Physics in a Technological World: From a Joint Meeting of Iupap and Aip Corporate Associates, Washington DC, October 1987, James Frank, 9780883185919
Reflections on Liquid Helium (AIP Translation S.)
Reflections on Liquid Helium (AIP Translation S.), James Frank, 9780883185759
Neural Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Denver, Colorado, on November 8-12 1987
Neural Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Denver, Colorado, on November 8-12 1987, James Frank, 9780883185698
Error Estimation in Reactor Shielding Calculations (AIP Translation S.)
Error Estimation in Reactor Shielding Calculations (AIP Translation S.), James Frank, 9780883185360
Physical Optics of Ocean Water (AIP Translation S.)
Physical Optics of Ocean Water (AIP Translation S.), James Frank, 9780883185292
Physics for a New Century: Papers Presented at the 1904 St.Louis Congress (History of Modern Physics and Astronomy)
Physics for a New Century: Papers Presented at the 1904 St.Louis Congress (History of Modern Physics and Astronomy), James Frank, 9780883184875